Babywearing can offer numerous benefits, including bonding, and convenience. However, ensuring the safety of your baby while wearing them is paramount. The TICKS method is a guideline that highlights key safety tips for babywearing. Here’s an overview:
T - Tight
- Keep the carrier snug to ensure the baby is close to you and securely held. A tight fit helps maintain a safe and comfortable position for both you and your baby, preventing slumping or shifting.
I - In view at all times
- Always keep your baby visible to you and others. Their chin should not be tucked down onto their chest, which can restrict airflow.
C - Close enough to kiss
- Position your baby high enough that you can easily lean down and kiss their head. This ensures that the baby is within a safe range for breathing and allows you to easily monitor their well-being.
K - Keep their chin off their chest
- Ensure that your baby’s airway is clear. Their head should be positioned so they can breathe easily, without their chin pressing down on their chest.
S - Supported back
- The baby’s back should be supported in a natural position. The baby’s spine should be supported without slumping, promoting healthy spinal development.
Additional Safety Tips:
Age and weight considerations: Follow the weight limits and developmental guidelines. Babies should have good head and neck control before being worn in the back or front-facing carry positions.
Safe positioning: Never let your baby fall asleep while in a forward-facing. You cannot properly monitor them, and their airway can become obstructed without the proper head control required for this position.
Overstimulation: Be cautious when wearing babies in a forward-facing position, as they may get overstimulated. We advise to wear your baby in the front forward-facing position for less than 30 minutes at a time.
Dress for the weather: In cold weather, dress your baby appropriately for the weather based on whether or not they are included in your outerwear clothing. In all weather conditions - check your baby regularly to prevent overheating, which can be exacerbated by body heat.
Practice and adjust: Before venturing out, practice putting on your carrier and adjusting it for comfort and security. Always check that your baby is safe and secure before starting your activities.
By following the TICKS guideline and these additional tips, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable babywearing experience for both you and your baby.